Horticultural and Landscape Supplies is a proudly Tasmanian owned company that specialises in the manufacture and distribution of quality certified horticultural products to meet our industry and customer needs.
Ph 03 6263 4688 Mon-Fri 8am - 5pm
45 Crooked Billet Drive, Brighton TAS
Nursery Grade Potting Mix with CRF
Red Tick Australian Standards + NIASA
Bulk Density – 600kg per m3
Price $160.00 p/m3 (Inclusive of GST)
Nursery Grade Potting Mix is our highest quality potting mix. The mix contains composted bark, coco peat, propagation sand, water crystals, wetting agent and a mix of nutrients and beneficial additives. The mix also contains controlled release fertiliser that will slowly release nutrients over a period up to 9 months. This mix meets the highest Australian Standards and the even higher standard of NIASA. HALS works hard to reach and maintain these certifications so our customers can have confidence that they are getting a mix of the highest possible standard.
Premium Potting Mix
Photo to come
Red Tick Australian Standards + NIASA
Bulk Density – 600kg per m3
Price $120.00 p/m3 (Inclusive of GST)
Our Premium Potting Mix is a high quality mix similar to our Nursery Grade Mix but without controlled release fertiliser and with slightly increased drainage properties. A slight increase in drainage is ideal for many plant types that don't like the soil to hold too much water. This mix meets the highest Australian Standards and the even higher standard of NIASA. HALS works hard to reach and maintain these certifications so our customers can have confidence that they are getting a mix of the highest possible standard.
Photo to come
Native Potting Mix
Red Tick Australian Standards + NIASA
Bulk Density – 600kg per m3
Price $120.00 p/m3 (Inclusive of GST)
Our Native Potting Mix is of the same high standard as our Premium Potting Mix but with low phosphorus inputs to protect phosphorus sensitive Australian native plants. This mix meets the highest Australian Standards and the even higher standard of NIASA. HALS works hard to reach and maintain these certifications so our customers can have confidence that they are getting a mix of the highest possible standard.
Photo to come
Regular Grade Potting Mix
Black Tick Australian Standards
Bulk Density – 600kg per m3
Price $95.00 p/m3 (Inclusive of GST)
Our Regular Grade Potting Mix is a general purpose potting mix consisting of composted potting bark, compost, coarse sand and complete slow release fertiliser and beneficial additives. It is great for a huge range of different plant types for both indoor and outdoor pots. The mix meets the second highest Australian standard for a potting mix, giving our customers confidence that they are purchasing a quality product.
SeaGreens Premium Organic* Potting Mix
Australian Certified Organic* Product
Bulk Density – 600kg per m3
Price $150.00 p/m3 (Inclusive of GST)
SeaGreens Potting Mix is a Certified Organic* potting mix that is infused with seaweed extract. Using seaweed extract brings benefits to plants and to the environment by taking what would be a waste product put into landfill and harnessing it to boost plant health. Seaweed boosts root growth & health, increases microbial activity in the soil, improves water retention and is high in mineral content.
SeaGreens Potting Mix is an Australian Certified Organic* product that does not contain chemical fertilisers. We recommend fertilising your plants using organic fertilisers from time of planting.
* This product is allowable for use on farms (or in facilities) certified to the Australian Certified Organic Standard
Azalea & Camellia Acidic Potting Mix with CRF
Red Tick Australian Standards + NIASA
Bulk Density – 600kg per m3
Price $160.00 p/m3 (Inclusive of GST)
Our Acidic Potting Mix has a lower pH than our other potting mixes and is enhanced with controlled release fertiliser to benefit acidic loving plants. The mix also contains composted bark, coco peat, propagation sand and a mix of nutrients and beneficial additives. This mix meets the highest Australian Standards and the even higher standard of NIASA. HALS works hard to reach and maintain these certifications so our customers can have confidence that they are getting a mix of the highest possible standard.
Photo to come
Blueberry Planting Mix with CRF
Red Tick Australian Standards + NIASA
Bulk Density – 600kg per m3
Price $160.00 p/m3 (Inclusive of GST)
Our Blueberry Planting Mix has a lower than standard pH to give blueberries the best growing environment. The mix contains composted bark, coco peat, propagation sand and a mix of nutrients and beneficial additives. It also has a 5-6 month controlled release fertiliser to give blueberries the boost they need to produce healthy plants with good yields. This mix meets the highest Australian Standards and the even higher standard of NIASA. HALS works hard to reach and maintain these certifications so our customers can have confidence that they are getting a mix of the highest possible standard.
Photo to come
Cactus & Bonsai Potting Mix
Red Tick Australian Standards + NIASA
Bulk Density – 600kg per m3
Price $120.00 p/m3 (Inclusive of GST)
A mixture of our premium potting mix and coarse propagation sand to allow excellent drainage. This mix meets the highest Australian Standards and the even higher standard of NIASA. HALS works hard to reach and maintain these certifications so our customers can have confidence that they are getting a mix of the highest possible standard.
Photo to come
Orchid Potting Mix with CRF
Red Tick Australian Standards + NIASA
Bulk Density – 600kg per m3
Price $160.00 p/m3 (Inclusive of GST)
A mixture of our premium potting mix and coarse propagation sand to allow excellent drainage. This mix meets the highest Australian Standards and the even higher standard of NIASA. HALS works hard to reach and maintain these certifications so our customers can have confidence that they are getting a mix of the highest possible standard.
Photo to come
BIOCHAR Potting Mix
Bulk Density – 600kg per m3
Price $235.00 p/m3 (Inclusive of GST)
Our BIOCHAR Potting Mix is 10% BIOCHAR and 90% SeaGreens Organic Potting Mix. BIOCHAR improves soil structure indefinitely, important for pots and container gardens. BIOCHAR holds water and distributes it through the mix effectively. BIOCHAR holds on to nutrients and beneficial microbes to enhance the potting mix, boosting plant health.
Photo to come
Bulb Growing Mix with CRF
Red Tick Australian Standards + NIASA
Bulk Density – 600kg per m3
Price $160.00 p/m3 (Inclusive of GST)
Photo to come
Native Potting Mix With CRF
(Low P or Zero P)
Red Tick Australian Standards + NIASA
Bulk Density – 600kg per m3
Price $160.00 p/m3 (Inclusive of GST)
Our Native Potting Mix is of the same high standard as our Premium Potting Mix but with low phosphorus inputs to protect phosphorus sensitive Australian native plants. It also includes your choice of either low phosphorus or zero phosphorus controlled release fertiliser This mix meets the highest Australian Standards and the even higher standard of NIASA. HALS works hard to reach and maintain these certifications so our customers can have confidence that they are getting a mix of the highest possible standard.
Photo to come
Propagation Mix (Coco peat Based)
Red Tick Australian Standards + NIASA
Bulk Density – 600kg per m3
Price $160.00 p/m3 (Inclusive of GST)
HALS Propagation Mix is a coco peat based potting media for seeds and cuttings to thrive in. This mix meets the highest Australian Standards and the even higher standard of NIASA. HALS works hard to reach and maintain these certifications so our customers can have confidence that they are getting a mix of the highest possible standard.
Photo to come
Seedling Mix with CRF (CRF mini)
Red Tick Australian Standards + NIASA
Bulk Density – 600kg per m3
Price $175.00 p/m3 (Inclusive of GST)
Our Seedling Mix with CRF is a fine potting bark, coco peat, propagation sand and beneficial additives potting media for seed raising. The mix also contains controlled release fertiliser giving your seedlings a 5-6 month boost. This mix meets the highest Australian Standards and the even higher standard of NIASA. HALS works hard to reach and maintain these certifications so our customers can have confidence that they are getting a mix of the highest possible standard.
SeaGreens Seedling Mix
Bulk Density – 600kg per m3
Price $160.00 p/m3 (Inclusive of GST)
SeaGreens Seedling Mix is an organic seed raising mix comprised of organic composted potting bark, coarse propagation sand, seaweed extract and beneficial organic amendments. Using seaweed extract brings benefits to plants and to the environment by taking what would be a waste product put into landfill and harnessing it to boost plant health. Seaweed boosts root growth & health, increases microbial activity in the soil, improves water retention and is high in mineral content.
Coarse Propagation Sand - White
Bulk Density – 1400kg per m3
Price $100.00 p/m3 (Inclusive of GST)
White coloured coarse propagation sand sourced from Scottsdale in Tasmania’s North East
Coarse Propagation Sand - Yellow
Bulk Density – 1400kg per m3
Price $100.00 p/m3 (Inclusive of GST)
3mm yellow coloured coarse propagation sand sourced from St Helen’s on Tasmania’s North East Coast
Washed Males Bedding Sand
Bulk Density – 1500kg per m3
Price $145.00 p/m3 (Inclusive of GST)
Washed Bedding Sand is typically used for construction due to its ability to hold together. It is often used for leveling an area before constructions are built.
Washed Sharp Sand
(Play Sand)
Bulk Density – 1500kg per m3
Price $80.00 p/m3 (Inclusive of GST)
Play Sand is a very fine screened and washed material perfect for sand pits.
Fat Sand - Yellow
Bulk Density – 1600kg per m3
Price $80.00 p/m3(Inclusive of GST)
Fat Sand - White
Bulk Density – 1600kg per m3
Price $125.00 p/m3 (Inclusive of GST)
Screened Bedding Sand
Bulk Density – 1600kg per m3
Price $65.00 p/m3 (Inclusive of GST)
Suitable for many different applications including use around drains.
Screened Loam
Bulk Density – 1500kg per m3
Price $72.50 p/m3 (Inclusive of GST)
Garden Soil Mix
Red Tick Australian Standards
Bulk Density – 900kg per m3
Price $76.00 p/m3 (Inclusive of GST)
Our screened loam is a slightly sandy loam screened to remove large particles. The sand will assist in drainage to stop water pooling and to get water down to the root zone of plants and trees.
Photo to come
Our Garden Soil Mix is a made up of screened loam, compost and screened cow manure, with a small quantity of composted potting bark for soil structure. It is perfect for veggie gardens and garden beds and it is ready to plant straight into. It is a versatile product that can be used to plant trees or almost any application where soil is preferred over over potting mix. This mix meets the highest Australian Standards giving confidence to consumers that it is a quality product for your garden.
This soil product should not be used in pots, potting mix should be used for that purpose.
Lawn Top Dress
(Made to Order)
Red Tick Australian Standards
Bulk Density – 1000kg per m3
Price $85.00 p/m3 (Inclusive of GST)
Lawn Top Dress is a mix of compost, coarse propagation sand and beneficial additives such as wetting agent and iron sulphate. It is designed to apply on existing lawns to level the lawn and to improve the quality of the soil.
When sowing new lawn we recommend putting down garden mix rather than top dress.
Photo to come
Builders Loam
Native Garden Mix
Bulk Density – 1500kg per m3
Price $50.00 p/m3 (Inclusive of GST)
Loam suitable for construction and building applications.
Bulk Density – 900kg per m3
Price $95.00 p/m3 (Inclusive of GST)
Bulk Density – 600kg per m3
Price $205.00 p/m3 (Inclusive of GST)
Bulk Density – 620kg per m3
Price $2125.00 p/m3 (Inclusive of GST)
BIOCHAR Compost is a blend of 10% BIOCHAR and 90% SeaGreens Compost. This is perfect for veggie gardens or as a soil improver to bring back life to depleted soils. It will improve the structure of your soil indefinitely. It will also improve the water holding capacity of the soil as BIOCHAR holds over 2.7 times its volume in water. It also holds nutrients much like water, releasing them into the soil over time.
Photo to come
Bulk Density – 1000kg per m3
Price $715.00 p/m3 (Inclusive of GST)
Our Gypsum has a fine almost sand like consistency and is great for breaking down clay to improve the drainage properties of soil. Gypsum also increases calcium in the soil, an important plant nutrient.
Garden Lime
Bulk Density – 2000kg per m3
Price $195.00 p/m3 (Inclusive of GST)
Ag-lime or Garden Lime raises the pH of the soil to make it more alkaline. It is an important soil conditioner and great to add in when planting crops like legumes.
BIOCHAR Pure is BIOCHAR in its raw form and needs to be activated in compost or liquid fertiliser before being put into the garden. If it is put into the garden raw it will take up nutrients from the soil rather than add them in and provide the full benefit of BIOCHAR. The best application rate for BIOCHAR is between 5% and 20% (5L - 20L per 100L of potting media).
Dolomite Lime
Bulk Density – 2000kg per m3
Price $225.00 p/m3(Inclusive of GST)
Dolomite lime contains calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate. Dolomite lime increases the soil pH and adds magnesium into the soil.
Mushroom Compost
Bulk Density – 700kg per m3
Price $100.00 p/m3 (Inclusive of GST)
Sourced from a Tasmanian mushroom farm, great to mix into veggie beds.
SeaGreens Compost
Australian Certified Organic
Bulk Density – 600kg per m3
Price $75.00 p/m3 (Inclusive of GST)
SeaGreens Compost is an Australian Certified Organic* compost made from waste hardwood biomass, organic screened cow manure, seaweed and kelp extracts.
Compost is a soil improver/amendment and should not be planted directly into. We also recommend the application of additional organic sources of nitrogen such as Organic Powerfeed, Organic Charlie Carp or granuluar products like Richgro Organics Nitrogen Booster.
Application Rate:
The recommended application rate for SeaGreens Compost is 60 litres per square metre and thoroughly mixed into 200mm of soil depth.
pH Level:
This product is a Certified Organic* product that cannot have traditional chemical products added to it to balance pH. The pH of the product when it leaves our yard is always in an acceptable band. The pH can tend towards alkaline if allowed to dry out. The compost should be kept covered and moist if not using straight away. When using the product, the area you have mixed the compost into should be kept moist for 2 weeks for the best results.
* This product is allowable for use on farms (or in facilities) certified to the Australian Certified Organic Standard
Softfall Pine Bark
Bulk Density – 400kg per m3
Price $45.00 p/m3 (Inclusive of GST)
Softfall Pine Bark is a fine grade pine bark suitable for children's play areas as well as in the garden.
Boyer Tan Landscape Bark Unscreened
Bulk Density – 500kg per m3
Price $30.00 p/m3(Inclusive of GST)
Unscreened Boyer Tan Landscape Bark is a mixture of grades of bark, great for landscaping jobs and in home gardens.
Graded Coarse Landscape Bark
Bulk Density – 400kg per m3
Price $75.00 p/m3 (Inclusive of GST)
Graded Coarse Landscape Bark is a chunky bark graded for a more consistent sized product. Great for landscaping and jobs where a heavier and larger bark is more suitable. Coarse barks are excellent at weed suppression and allowing water to penetrate the soil.
Shredded Tree Mulch
Bulk Density – 400kg per m3
Price $32.50 p/m3 (Inclusive of GST)
Shredded Tree Mulch as the name suggests is mulch from arborists shredded to a mix of coarse and fine grades, including leaf matter which will break down into the soil. Product consistency and make up naturally varies.
Water Saver & Feeder Mulch
Red Tick Australian Standards
Bulk Density – 600kg per m3
Price $60.00 p/m3 (Inclusive of GST)
Screened Boyer Tan Pine Bark
Bulk Density – 500kg per m3
Price $37.50 p/m3 (Inclusive of GST)
Screened Boyer Tan Pine Bark is a mixture of grades of bark with the largest sizes screened out for a more consistent product. It is a great product for home gardens.
Clean Eucalyptus Wood Chips
Bulk Density – 400kg per m3
Price $37.50 p/m3(Inclusive of GST)
Our Eucalyptus Wood Chips are a great coarse mulch option that allows water penetration and really good weed suppression properties. The chips are typically light coloured and rectangular in shape.
Aged Cut Gum Bark
(Triple Cut)
Bulk Density – 400kg per m3
Price $70.00 p/m3(Inclusive of GST)
HALS Water Saver & Feeder Mulch is one of our most popular products. The mix of grades of bark in this product are already composted so they won't draw nitrogen out of your soil as it breaks down over time. The mulch also contains eucalyptus wood chip, seaweed & kelp extract and organic matter that will feed your garden as well as retaining moisture.
Coloured Mulch
Bulk Density – 500kg per m3
Price $250.00 p/m3(Inclusive of GST)
Eucalyptus Gum Bark
(Special Order)
Bulk Density – 400kg per m3
Single Cut - Price $75.00 p/m3
(Inclusive of GST)
Double Cut - Price $110.00 p/m3
(Inclusive of GST)
We have single and double cut gumbark available as a special order. We don't keep this product in our yard very often so please call ahead.
Enviro Mulch
Bulk Density – 400kg per m3
Price $37.50 p/m3(Inclusive of GST)
Enviro Mulch is a consistent coarse shredded tree mulch perfect for home gardens, landscaping and commercial applications. This coarse mulch offers excellent water penetration properties, while suppressing weeds and providing excellent airflow to prevent fungal or rot issues developing.
Coloured Mulch
Bulk Density – 500kg per m3
Price $250.00 p/m3(Inclusive of GST)
Cow Manure
Bulk Density – 750kg per m3
Price $70.00 p/m3 (Inclusive of GST)
Photo to come
Chicken Manure
Bulk Density – 400kg per m3
Price $70.00 p/m3(Inclusive of GST)
Cow manure is a great soil conditioner suitable in a huge range of uses due to its more mild nutrient content.
Chicken manure has a higher nutrient content than cow manure which makes it a fantastic soil conditioner. If applied at too greater concentration it can burn plants which is something to consider. Suggested application rate is 12L (0.012m3) per m2 of soil.
Photo to come
Cow Manure Enriched with Blood & Bone
(Special Order)
Bulk Density – 750kg per m3
Price $90.00 p/m3 (Inclusive of GST)
Cow manure with added blood and bone is a great soil conditioner for veggie gardens or to boost depleted soils. Please call ahead for this product.
Photo to come
Mixed Animal Manure
Bulk Density – 600kg per m3
Price $70.00 p/m3(Inclusive of GST)
Our mixed animal manure is a blend of screened cow manure and aged chicken manure. Cow and chicken manures contain different amounts of nutrients and provide different benefits to your soil.
Potting Media
Expanded Coco Peat
Bulk Density – 500kg per m3
Price $280.00 p/m3 (Inclusive of GST)
We wet compressed coconut fibre blocks to expand them out ready for use in potting media. Coco Peat is often also called Coir Peat/fibre and are the same product.
Photo to come
Composted Urea Potting Bark 0-11mm
Red Tick Australian Standards + NIASA
Bulk Density – 500kg per m3
Price $65.00 p/m3(Inclusive of GST)
Screened and composted potting bark.
Composted Urea Potting Bark 0-5mm
Red Tick Australian Standards + NIASA
Bulk Density – 500kg per m3
Price $90.00 p/m3 (Inclusive of GST)
This potting bark is screened to a fine 0-5mm size before being composted.
Composted Urea Potting Bark 5-16mm
Red Tick Australian Standards + NIASA
Bulk Density – 500kg per m3
Price $90.00 p/m3(Inclusive of GST)
A coarse screened and composted potting bark that ranges from 5-16mm.
Peat Moss Bale 250L
Bulk Density – 35KG
Price $145.00 EACH (Inclusive of GST)
Brill Peat Moss is sourced from the Baltic region in Europe
Pebbles & Gravel
Natural variation in colour in all pebble and rock products.
Quartz Pebbles
Bulk Density – 1300kg per m3
Price $150.00 p/m3 (Inclusive of GST)
15mm, 20-25mm
Iron Stone
Bulk Density – 1400kg per m3
Price $160.00 p/m3 (Inclusive of GST)
12mm, 40mm
Stoodley Rock
Bulk Density – 1300kg per m3
Price $135.00 p/m3 (Inclusive of GST)
Scoria (Volcanic Rock)
Bulk Density – 800kg per m3
Price $320.00 p/m3 (Inclusive of GST)
Limestone Gold
Bulk Density – 1300kg per m3
Price $120.00 p/m3(Inclusive of GST)
14mm, 20mm, 40mm.
Limestone Gold Gravel $110 p/m3
Ice Rock
Bulk Density – 1300kg per m3
Price $160.00 p/m3(Inclusive of GST)
14mm, 20mm, 40mm
River Shingle
Bulk Density – 1300kg per m3
Price $310.00 p/m3(Inclusive of GST)
10mm, 20mm, 32mm, >60mm
Red Driveway Gravel
Bulk Density – 1500kg per m3
Price $65.00 p/m3(Inclusive of GST)
Concrete Mix
Bulk Density – 1500kg per m3
Price $120.00 p/m3 (Inclusive of GST)
Road Base
Bulk Density – 1400kg per m3
Price $90.00 p/m3 (Inclusive of GST)
Blue Metal & FCR
Bulk Density – 1800kg per m3
Prices Below
Blue Metal Dust 0-5mm - $90.00
Blue Metal Clean 5mm - $95.00
Blue Metal Clean 7mm - $90.00
Blue Metal Clean 10mm - $80.00
Blue Metal Clean 14mm - $80.00
Blue Metal Clean 20mm - $80.00
Blue Metal Clean 40mm - $95.00
FCR 0-20mm - $90.00
Salt & Pepper Blend
Bulk Density – 1300kg per m3
Price $140.00 p/m3(Inclusive of GST)
15mm Quartz & 14mm Blue Metal blended together